
Showing posts from October, 2018

class work- exam prep (story boards and scripts)


TV Licenses

TV Licenses Research:  A TV license is a fee paid to the BBC for the use of a television. The BBC is government funded- meaning the money from the license funds the channel, leading to no adverts, but a restriction on the shows the BBC can put out. It allows you to watch and record TV shows, including online streaming The act is the Communication Act 2003 under section 363 making it illegal to watch or record TV that are being broadcasted without a TV licence. The Government is responsible for setting the charge- Pay-point collect the money for the BBC and transfer it over. £150.50 for a colour TV and £50.50 for a black and white one, if you're blind or severely the price is halved to £75.25 The majority of people who don't pay their TV Licence are older people as they're often unaware of the payment or against it. Upon trying to contact those evading, staff has experienced verbal and even physical assault on the subject. In 2015-16 there were three million...

Role Of a Production Designer

Role Of a Production Designer 1. A production designers job is to be the hand of the director, meaning its their job to put their written script into a visual image all while directing a team and following a strict budget, without tainting the ideas of the director. After reading the script there are hours upon hours of research you need to do on the sets- time period- costumes / props of that time, locations- London setting will need landmarks / icons of London  Once research is done and locations have been found, sets need to be designed and Okay-ed by the director- only then can set be built or changed once the research is completed and the director is happy with each step. For example- a production designer on the Harry Potter movies' research would differ to say Star Wars, as the films are based off books. They would need to consistently refer to the books and make sure the authors vision, as well as the director were happy. All ...

Time Constraints & Personnel

Time Constraints & Personnel Time Constraints Time Constraint - The limited time you have to finish your project personal life (child care, work) illness times of day  budget deadlines- Final deadline, interim deadlines availability of people/location/props/equipment  weather holidays and seasonal issues relaying on volunteers child actors (limited time) Personnel Personnel- the people working with you You need to know how many people you have working with you. They're skills - can they use equipment, act etc Audit of Knowledge - what do they know Training- you may need to teach them how to use equipment. 

Advertising In the UK

Advertising in the UK by 2020 online ads will account for 60% of marketing budgets TV will have 21.5%- decline from the 25%  BARB- average UK viewer watches 45 TV ads a day with no skips The Prices of 30 second ads on British channels: ITV- in order to show a 30 second ad during breakfast is £3,000-£4,000 on average, for day time is around £500 more than morning as more people will be awake to possibly see it and peak time is anything from £10,000-£30,000 as that's when the largest proportion of people will be watching. Channel 4 - putting ads on between shows for channel 4 is cheaper than ITV, with day time being £1,000-£2,00 and peak being £10,000-£20,000, once again, being more expensive when its likely more people will see. Channel 5- 30 second ads on channel 5 are even cheaper as day time can range between £800-£1,600 and peak time being £2,500 to £4,500, still following this concept. sky 1 - Sky 1 adverts are s...

Budget Tips video


sponsorship revenue

Sponsorship: Film revenue sponsorship is a win win situation - The production gets money to produce the show and the sponsor gets their huge audience from the production. when a company shows a product or their brand within a media platform, gaining recognition for the company and money for the media platform. Companies will sponsor people who's target audience match theirs. For example, Rizzle Kicks showing Beats headphones, both related to teens. ok go:  What is the purpose of the music video: The video was made as an advertisement for the Chevy during the 2012 Super Bowl. Who was the sponsor: Chevrolet, featuring the car sonic why did ok go agree and what did the sponsors buy: They are close friends with Perkins, who works with Chevrolet, and was able to make an agreement, leading to the company giving OK Go $500,000-$1 million to spend on production, which helped buy the props (1,100 home made instruments, 288 electric gu...

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Preproduction and Expenses The Dark Knight was a DC film made in 2008 starring Christian Bale as the infamous Bat Man and Heath Ledger as the most iconic Joker to date. The budget for the film was around $180 million USD. Filming lasted from 18th of April 2007 to 11th of November 2007 and starred many locations and great actors. Staffing: How much were Cast and Crew Paid? Director: Christopher Nolan Screen Play written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan story written by: David S. Goyer Characters written by: Bob Kane Music by: James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer Main Cast:           Role:           Payment (estimated): Christian Bale- Bruce Wayne- $50 million  Heath Ledger- Joker- $20 million Aaron Eckhart- Harvey Dent - £25 million (net worth)  Michael Caine- Alfred - $75 million (net worth) Maggie Gyllenhaal- Rachel- $500,000 Morgan Freedam- Lucius Fox - $10 million W...

Revenue Stream

Budgeting Notes: an introduction to film budgeting  What is budgeting and how does it work? creative tool constant communication with director and departments  must know the budget first must read the script first lis t and know all the locations, make up, FSX, props, vehicles, equipment, crew, cast, additional labour, sound, music needed for the film. figuring out the prices of each thing the film needs doing research into the prices of things yourself have a constant idea of the prices by calling people and negotiating   talking to people helps lowering prices flow of money - changing the budgets from each department, e.g. art needs more money so its taken from locations department Budget is forgotten about when it comes with the smaller things like editing, sound and colour. budget is not just for pre production but for the entire product remembering catering for your crew as part of the budget compromise and balance- helping each depart...

Train Spotting: Financial Constraints

Lesson notes Preproduction video notes- low budget tips and advice: resource film making start by making a  resource list and budget   using the resources you already have and base your production on what you already have list of locations - what you have access to without hassle or without spending money  list of actors - work for free or low cost find reliable people - friends and family who like acting. note down whether your actors are qualified. list equipment- cheaper alternatives like building make shift equipment, borrowing equipment, using phones. Rent gear. interesting props. Unique objects that you have access to  local effects- free production value, extras in the background (fares, shows, etc)  writing script- location to a minimum (4-5 for a film 1-2 to short film) characters to a minimum, easier to manage. write roles to the strength of your actors.  avoid writing scenes wh...