The evaluation document (20 marker)
15-20 Marker Questions-
- Never write an introduction
- you just need a brief conclusion of one sentence
- Discuss the pros and cons of the pre production element
- the question will always be evaluate
- You MUST finish with a justified answer: whether its appropriate or not
- the question will 100% reference the brief - MUST RESPOND WITH THE BRIEF
- Discussing how helpful a (SWOT Analysis would be)
- must relate to the product
- You need suggestions of better documents
- for pros and cons look at whether or not something is suitable for both the audience and the purpose
- Expected to write 2 pages, three paragraphs, but 5 is better
- explain what the document requires you to do
- SPAG is important
-a brief summary, concise and easy to understand, good for client to get the vision quickly.
-Outlines all resources, contingencies and content briefly and effectively.
-doesn't use technical language. Makes it easy for the client to understand
Proposal- Cons.
-Non-technical language, though crew get it, doesn't help them as much as the client, use a project outline for this.
-it shows your initial ideas, so there still may be some gaps for both the client and the crew, therefore a treatment could be used later on to explain your ideas in more detail.
Project Outline- Pros.
-uses technical language, helps give the crew a better sense on what they'll be making as it specific for the production team.
-concise and written into one document, giving all the relevant information such as narrative, resources, budget, timeline.
Project outline- cons.
-Still very basic and concise, each department will need a more detailed document revolving around their own part on the project. A Gantt chart could be useful, giving each department a visual document showing them what needs to be done and the time frame.
Treatment- Pros.
-A lot of detail, allows the crew and client to get a clear image of the end product
-lots of technical language, allows the crew to understand exactly what needs to be completed.
-can be used at every stage of production (pre, pro, post) allowing for a clear vision all the way through the project, consistency. Means all departments can work together
Treatment- Cons.
-allows for consistency but no communication on aspects that rely on each other from different departments. (Gantt chart between departments)
-doesn't outline threats and weakness's clearly in a bulky document, use a SWOT analyse so people are clear.
Concept art- pros.
-visual aspect showing the directors/clients image. Can be mood boards or drawings but allows creative teams to get a clearly understanding than from just a treatment.
-Small areas of text justifying your decisions based on the brief
-Helps a wide range of crew throughout production, editors, art team, director, camera crew...
Concept art- cons
-Not as much written detail, use a treatment for clearer ideas in the reasoning
-artwork can be misinterpreted, using a visualisation diagram with annotations to clear up visions quickly.
visualisation diagram- pros.
-helps assess the logistical issues with the design, allowing for changes.
-rough drawings without colour but lots of annotations allow tons of quick designs to be made, developed and scrapped if needed.
-allows the client to see the ideas in a visual representation, which they can then input whether they like the design or not.
Visualisation diagram- Cons.
-some times the visualisation diagram isn't enough to convey what the finished product will look like (use a prototype)
-lack of colour can rough drawings may not always be clear enough to the client, use a treatment to explain further.
-lack of colour can rough drawings may not always be clear enough to the client, use a treatment to explain further.
storyboard- Pros.
-contains a lot of information on both shots, sounds ,movement and edits.
-has a visual aspect
-allows everyone on set to see exactly what the camera needs to show.
story board- Cons.
-contains little dialogue (use a script)
-drawings might not always be clear enough (use concept art / visualisation diagram)
-lack of set specific information (use shooting script/ flat plan)
-contains a lot of information on both shots, sounds ,movement and edits.
-has a visual aspect
-allows everyone on set to see exactly what the camera needs to show.
story board- Cons.
-contains little dialogue (use a script)
-drawings might not always be clear enough (use concept art / visualisation diagram)
-lack of set specific information (use shooting script/ flat plan)
script- pros.
-Given to everyone, allows us to see who's speaking / moving
-stage directions let actors and crew know what to film and do
-sound and visual effects laid out for the editors.
script- cons.
- no visual aspect (use a story board)
-no set specific information, better to use a shooting script for more information for the camera crew.
Production schedule- Pros.
-combines logistics and resource details
-includes all the tasks and time scales
-all members of the team have one and are aware of the milestones
Production Schedule- cons.
-no visual aid, very dense blocks of writing can become confusing (site map)
-lack of detail for everyday (call sheet)
call sheet- pros.
-plans logistics for each day of production
-made from the production schedule, but offers more detail
-shows the hazards and plans for the whole cast and crew, avoids law suits
Call sheet- cons.
-doesn't present what the whole project needs and how this day will benefit in the long run (production schedule)
-doesn't layout costs of the facilities or locations (budget sheet)
site map- pros.
-one visual diagram showing the purpose and layout of entire website
-breaks down the content into one page, simple to follow, can be used by coders and design team
-clear detail of how the website will function
site map- cons.
-no detail on images, font or design. etc (visualisation diagram)
-lack of annotations, relies on the visual aspect to explain itself (visualisation diagram)
asset log- pros.
-one graph listing all the assets and elements for the project
-containing videos, images etc so everything needed is kept safe and accounted for
-keeps track of what the company made and what was obtained, helps avoid copy right issues.
asset log- cons.
-doesn't establish cost if any (budget sheet)
-little detail
-Given to everyone, allows us to see who's speaking / moving
-stage directions let actors and crew know what to film and do
-sound and visual effects laid out for the editors.
script- cons.
- no visual aspect (use a story board)
-no set specific information, better to use a shooting script for more information for the camera crew.
Production schedule- Pros.
-combines logistics and resource details
-includes all the tasks and time scales
-all members of the team have one and are aware of the milestones
Production Schedule- cons.
-no visual aid, very dense blocks of writing can become confusing (site map)
-lack of detail for everyday (call sheet)
call sheet- pros.
-plans logistics for each day of production
-made from the production schedule, but offers more detail
-shows the hazards and plans for the whole cast and crew, avoids law suits
Call sheet- cons.
-doesn't present what the whole project needs and how this day will benefit in the long run (production schedule)
-doesn't layout costs of the facilities or locations (budget sheet)
site map- pros.
-one visual diagram showing the purpose and layout of entire website
-breaks down the content into one page, simple to follow, can be used by coders and design team
-clear detail of how the website will function
site map- cons.
-no detail on images, font or design. etc (visualisation diagram)
-lack of annotations, relies on the visual aspect to explain itself (visualisation diagram)
asset log- pros.
-one graph listing all the assets and elements for the project
-containing videos, images etc so everything needed is kept safe and accounted for
-keeps track of what the company made and what was obtained, helps avoid copy right issues.
asset log- cons.
-doesn't establish cost if any (budget sheet)
-little detail
Lay out
Identify what the document is
point: one or two lines.
Strengths x3 (possible paragraph each)
Point: Identify the strength you'll discuss
Example: Link back to how this helps the brief
Explain: why is this document the best one to use for this purpose.
Weakness x3 (possible paragraph 3 each)
Point: Identify the weakness you'll discuss
Example: Link back to how this isn't helpful to the brief
Explain: why is this document isn't the best one to use for this purpose.
Improvement: What could you use instead?
One or two sentence conclusion
Point: whether or not you deem it suitable
A storyboard example:
- the story board allows for a clear visual image for the crew to film the shot and client to see what the advert will look like. TR interactive, our client for the advert, aims to create a family friendly game so their advert should contain their target audience of families. The visual aspect that the storyboard allows lets our client and crew see who's in what shot and lets the client adjust things as they see fit since they have a clear image.
- The story board also has immense detail, including sounds and dialogue, this will help the actor in the voice over for the advert explain the game and TR interactive can have their message of a "game for the body and the mind"
- one issue that can come up from using the story board could be distinguishing what is live action for the advert and what will be game content as most video games will intermingle shots of the game with consumers playing. This could confuse cast and crew during shot changes, there for a script may be more helpful as it will have written clearly
This is a really brilliant content filled blog post Sydney.
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed with your work ethic!
This will prove to be an excellent revision source and your responses are a very high standard.
Miss C