Ideas Paper Work

Ideas Paper Work

  • The first stages of planning any media project after research
  • they're often dependant on each other.


description- It will either be a concise written document or a concise PowerPoint, documents often having a bit more detail.
Purpose and media- its used to sell your idea to a client or a boss. (The initial idea) TV, Film, Gaming, Advertising (ALL TYPES OF MEDIA)
key advice for successful completion- as concise or short as possible, must have a target audience, content ideas, resources required, costs and times scales outlines; with EACH of these outlined in how it will meet your brief. Must use clear non-technical language.

2-Project outlines-

description- Looks a lot like a proposal but its made for the production team.

Purpose and media-This document gives the production team a basic idea of what the project needs. This is also needed for ALL TYPES OF MEDIA.

key advice for successful completion- One page document and very in-depth, containing a detailed narrative, resources required, budget and timeline. No wasted words, but with more technical language.


description- it can't be made without the previous two documents and it is a lot more detailed than the proposal.

Purpose and media- It's used by the production team as a reference point and the client uses it for a clear idea of the project. It's used during every part of production even to post production and distribution. Its used for ALL MEDIA.

key advice for successful completion- More detail on everything that was on the proposal and project outline. Not as concise and having a lot more technical language.

4-SWOT analysis-

description- It is a table showing the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats,

Purpose and media- Its for all types of media to highlight potential issues with the project and benefits.

key advice for successful completion- It needs to be a non-biased piece of work highlighting issues clearly. Honesty while writing, which you can do by asking for other opinions of your team.


  1. You've got lots of really important information here Sydney - well done.
    To support your revision further you may wish to create a SWOT analysis/treatment using a brief that we have explored in class.

    Miss C


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