Ethical issues

To The Bone- Ethical Issues- 

 To the bone is a Netflix original movie depicting Anorexia and other eating disorders shared by the characters such as bulimia and chronic exercise. When i watched this movie I thought it seemed fairly true to form, and doesn't poke fun at the illness as other characters defined by their anorexia in media have before it. The movie doesn't glorify the illness and shows realistic issues that it can cause such as the loss of a child, fainting, and back problems from over exercising. However the film drummed up a lot of controversy as the main character played by Lily Collins shows her methods of not eating, how she checks her weight and stays fit. Many people thought this could have been taken as advice to those suffering with the illness, leading to a petition to get it banned. Obviously this didn't go through and the film remains. The film also got lash back for inaccuracies, saying that every case isn't like this. To which Lily Collins responded saying she's aware and wanted to share her personal insight and experiences.

The movie does a good job depicting the negatives of the illness, and tries its best not to glorify the mental illness.

Game of Thrones Pod Cast


  1. Very thorough analysis of ethical issues on the sheets. However, for GoT and Blue Lagoon questions your answers are missing - please see Miss Crader for questions and add in asap.

    Please add a comment below reflecting on my comments and explaining any changes you have made.

    Mr P


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